Hypnotherapy FAQ's

Q. Is hypnosis paranormal or supernatural?
Absolutely not!  Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state (trance) that happens to us all dozens of times a day while reading, watching TV  and daydreaming.  If you've ever been lost in a film or transported to a far away place while reading a book, day-dreamed while gazing out of a moving train or been so focussed on a sport or hooby that everything else ceased to exist... then you've been in a trance.


Q. Can anyone be hypnotised?
Yes!  However, only if they want to be and providing they don’t have any severe mental illness.



Q. Can I be hypnotised against my will?
No.  In order for the therapy to work the therapist and client work together.  If you resist, it wont work.



Q. Will I reveal secrets under hypnosis?
No!  If you were asked to do anything against your will it would break rapport and you would simply open your eyes and come out of hypnosis.


Q. Is hypnosis dangerous?
Certainly not!  It is a natural state that we enter many times a day while driving, reading or watching a film.  The therapist just utilises your own natural ability to help you.  It's a very enjoyable experience.


Q. Can I get stuck in hypnosis and never wake up?
It's impossible to get stuck in hypnosis and you can open your eyes at any time, even if the therapist left the room you would simply awaken naturally.


Q. Will I lose control or be made to walk like a chicken?
Hypnosis on TV is NOTHING like hypnotherapy.  You will be fully and completely in control and wouldn't do anything you wouldn't normally do normally.


Q. Will I remember everything after?
The subconscious always remembers everything even if you are not consciously aware of it!  The subconscious will take what is most useful for you on board and reject what isn't. It also decides how much you consciously recall.


Q. Is hypnosis sleep?
No, hypnosis certainly is a highly relaxed state, however it is not sleep.  While in hypnosis you remain in control and simply focus your concentration inwards.


Q. How does it feel to be hypnotised?
Hypnosis is a very naturally pleasurable and relaxing experience which everyone experiences it in a slightly different way, from feeling heavy and relaxed to feeling light and floating.


Q. Why is hypnotherapy different from other therapies?
When a belief, attitude, condition or habit is held in the subconscious mind, it is very difficult to change when working on a conscious level (as most other therapies do) and this is why the problem can often persist.

Hypnotherapy works on both a conscious and subconscious level and so changes can often be surprisingly quick, positive and long lasting.


Q. Can hypnotherapy help my problem?
Hypnosis certainly can help with many issues and often provide solutions for problems people have suffered with for years, however like anything in life, nothing is promised or guaranteed.